We MDVPI Registered under the govt of TRUST act 1182. Vide registration no: 04-87/2022 & Certificate no IN-UP20790427828759U. , Which is working in the field of education from 2022. We provide certification courses diploma course under of Resolution of our TRUST. Vide registration No.04-87/2022. We are autonomous institutes registered under the Ministry of Labour Department.
Our brand of education does not have narrow horizons, we believe in exposure. Our students are encouraged to widen their skills and study beyond the confines of the syllabus. This is evidenced by the extensive library facilities in the college, both physical and virtual. In this age of technology, knowledge is just a click away and we ensure that every student of the college has only the best of technology at his disposa
MDVPI is AN ISO 9001-2015 certified Institute CERTIFICATE NO IS :21-ICA-02AA-1362 & Registered and Approved from Niti Ayog, Govt of India REGSTRATION NO IS UP/2023/0335640,Registered under MSME.